Review - NFDI4Earth Architecture Workshop 21 - 22 November 2022

On the 21st and 22nd of November, 19 members of the NFDI4Earth involved in the development and implementation the NFDI4Earth software architecture met at the Department for Geosciences of the Goethe-University Frankfurt in Frankfurt/Main. After many online discussions and meetings, the aim of the workshop was to bring everyone together in person to meet and discuss the key aspects of the NFDI4Earth software architecture. It was also a welcomed – and for some the first – opportunity to meet each other in person.

The first part of the workshop focussed on the big questions, such as “Will metadata and data stored in product-specific databases or a single database?”, “What differentiates the content of the Living Handbook from the Education and Training material?”, or “How will the information stored in the NFDI4Earth infrastructure be searched for through the OneStop4All?”. The second part focussed on the implementation process, adjusting priorities between the software products and making sure that the implementation teams have the necessary skills and knowledge for the implementation of their respective software products. Fuelled by coffee and snacks, the participants were very eager to engage in the discussions, creating a vibrant and inspiring atmosphere.

The outcomes of the workshop mark a milestone in the development of the NFDI4Earth software architecture.