NFDI4Earth @ EGU General Assembly 2024 at Vienna

NFDI4Earth Booth #19 - Our Programm

(Status: 11 April 2024 - subject to change)

We would like to invite you to learn more about NFDI4Earth, to provide feedback, and to network with NFDI4Earth and its associated partners & experts as well as the EGU community.
The programme at our booth will take place during the breaks in the conference programme.
For more information please contact

Monday, 15 April 2024 - FAIR Earth System Sciences Data in a Community Building Process
1st Break (10:15 – 10:45): NFDI4Earth

2nd Break (12:30-14:00): ​2Participate / Community Engagement

3rd Break (15:45-16:15): NFDI4Earth (Services)

Tuesday, 16 April 2024 -  International Aspects and Embedding of NFDI4Earth
1st Break (10:15 – 10:45): 

2nd Break (12:30-14:00):

3rd Break (15:45-16:15): 

Wednesday, 17 April 2024 - How to participate and interact – a Dialogue with NFDI4Earth
1st Break (10:15 – 10:45): 

2nd Break (12:30-14:00):

3rd Break (15:45-16:15): 

Sessions in the context of NFDI4Earth

Please find below an overview of our NFDI4Earth co-organized sessions at EGU 2024:  

Advanced strategies for workflow development, execution and reproducibility of results in Earth System Science 
NFDI4Earth contact: I. Anders ( 

The intertwined climate and biodiversity crises: cross-scale observational and modelling approaches 
NFDI4Earth contact: M. Mahecha ( 

Modern Earth system science visualization and exploration techniques - the balancing act between complex information, broad functionality and simple illustration 
NFDI4Earth contact: P. Sommer ( 

Evapotranspiration estimation using remote sensing and in-situ methods 
NFDI4Earth contact: S. Hassler ( 

Research data infrastructures in ESS - Bridging the gap between user needs and sustainable software solutions, and linking approaches 
NFDI4Earth contact: Ch. Henzen (, K. Elger (, C. Müller (

IGSN: Enabling Discovery, Reuse, and Citation of Physical Samples 
NFDI4Earth contact: K. Elger (   

World Heatflow Database  
NFDI4Earth contact: K. Elger (